
Term Time Hours

Assessments are carried out on Friday and Saturday mornings  from 9.30am. 

School Holiday Hours

Available dates and times on request, enquire via the form on the contact page


1:1 Specialist Tuition (Literacy or Maths) -  

1 hour - £50 (booked in monthly , 30 day blocks)

Pre-assessment screening 

1 hour online assessment (completed remotely)- gives an indication of whether a full assessment is needed - summary report emailed within 48 hours

Please Note: a pre-assessment screening is not a diagnosis


Full Diagnostic Assessment 

3 hour in person assessment- suitable  for use with DSA applications - following the in person session, a full diagnostic report with educational support recommendations  will be sent within 14 working days.


Payment Terms;

Tuition  - 

Payable monthly - in advance.


Payable on booking (access link will not be emailed until payment is received)

Full Assessment -  

A non-refundable deposit of £60 is payable on booking.

Balance is due on the day of assessment

Payments can be made by cash or bank transfer.